
AutomationX Karriere

AutomationX Career Platform

A laptop is displaying the homepage of a company's website that showcases AutomationX careers.
A laptop is displaying the homepage of a company's website that showcases AutomationX careers.

Project information

For the technology company AutomationX, we developed a smart career platform to make it easy to apply for vacancies and onboard interested candidates.



The technology sector in particular is suffering from the shortage of skilled workers in Austria. Many standard application procedures are also time-consuming, very technical and require a lot of documentation – so the first hurdle is a big one.

A desk with a laptop displaying a blue screen.


We planned a self-manageable job system – as simple as posting an ad on Willhaben. A positive and simple user experience is required to make it easier for potential customers to make initial contact with the company. We realized this using a smart multi-step form with an optional CV upload. For trade shows and print media, the website also provides a QR code that links directly to the job.



The result is a system that is equally simple for applicants and the HR team. From the job overview, interested parties click on the detailed view, where they can see the most important facts about scope, benefits, development opportunities and salary. With one click you get the form in a distraction-free view, which can be clicked through in just a few moments. Information on training, resume and availability is also easy to select on the smartphone. The HR team receives the completed form and can make further contact on the basis of this initial information.

How strong is your brand presence?

For non-binding initial consultations – to analyze your potential or concrete project inquiries – we are gladly at your disposal.