

From strategy to success.
A set of business cards with different shapes and colors designed in Graz.
A set of business cards with different shapes and colors designed in Graz.


Branding pays off. There were over 67,000 Austrian start-ups in the UAE in 2023. That means a lot of potential – and just as much competition. In order to be successful on the market, it takes more than just a good idea. It takes an appearance that optimally represents the brand and remains in the people’s memory. An appearance that appeals to the target group and sends a clear message:

“This is who we are – this is how we identify ourselves – this is what our brand can do.”

We create and optimize intelligent brands in three crucial steps: Brand Strategy, Brand Design and Brand Digitalization.

A woman holding an iPad with a blue background. (no keywords added)
A building in the background with a blue background
A woman in Graz is using a laptop for website design at an agency.
Design based on the strategy

Brand Design

Through brand design and brand expression, we put the previously developed brand strategy into practice. Into something you can look at and feel. Into something that represents the brand in such a way that the respective company can be found in it – and thus reaches the target group in the best possible way.
Creative and well thought-out logo design through customized web presence to print media: it is important to us that exactly what the brand is at its core is highlighted.
Eine Frau hält eine Broschüre über Grafikdesign vor einem Werk in Wien.
Eine Gruppe von Menschen folgt einem Styleguide und betrachtet dabei eine Farbpalette auf einem Tisch.
Eine Stadtstraße mit einer vorbeifahrenden Valere-Straßenbahn.
Digital Transformation

Brand Digitalization

To be successful in the target market, it takes more than meets the eye. Much more. A brand must be found and recognized – even if perhaps no one is specifically looking for it yet.
We show opportunities and potentials in the digital world and accompany you and your company in a digital transformation in the areas of intelligent databases, process automation as well as individual software development.
Eine Person sitzt mit einem Laptop und einer Tasse Kaffee an einem Tisch im Kunsthauscafé.
Ein Website-Design mit einer Hand, die eine Pflanze hält.
Eine Frau macht mit ihrem Handy ein Foto vom Restaurant Freiblick.
What does your brand stand for?

Brand Strategy

Working out an authentic brand strategy before going into implementation is the basis on which a convincing brand can be built. This individual positioning classifies what the company stands for and where it wants to go. It also helps to really take a stand in the end:
What does the brand stand for – and what makes it so strong? With a stable foundation of clearly defined mission, vision, target group, USPs and much more, success becomes more tangible, clearer – and is already a bit closer to its realisation.
Ein Notebook und ein Tablet auf einem Tisch.
Ein Mann schreibt mit einem Stift auf ein Blatt Papier.
Zwei Personen arbeiten an einem Schreibtisch in einem Büro.

Services in detail

Our specialties.

A mobile phone with an Intellic device displaying on it.


Strong brands need an Internet presence that makes an impression – both visually and in terms of content. We create engaging and distinctively designed websites with real messages that create positive impact on all levels.

A booth with a blue background and a blue banner.


To successfully differentiate a brand from the competition, it must have a credible and trustworthy identity. To do this, we convey the most important values and information in order to evoke emotions and convince the target clientele.

A bottle of water with the word apel on it.


A uniform, professional appearance for everything associated with a brand is our aspiration: we focus on striking the right (color) tone even with individualized packaging and always use sustainable materials whenever possible.

A set of business cards and stationery on a table.

Corporate Design

This is Brand Love with a clear strategic focus and intelligent dynamics. We offer distinctive, modern and impressive corporate design to transfer a brand into the digital world of today and tomorrow. In doing so, we are constantly developing ourselves and our methodology .

The cover of an Andritz AG book with the words abrasion resistant corrugated board.

Corporate Publishing

For us, branding means: all communication media come from a single source – for a coherent and authentic brand experience that leaves a positive impression. Individual, authentic, outstanding – and always with added value for the company and the brand.

A woman and a man looking at a bulletin board.


A brand strategy is the basis on which a brand can grow. Therefore, the values. challenges and goals that make up a company are of great importance. Whether B2B or B2C – we have the tools that are important to let your own brand really blossom.


